assistive technology

INDIANAPOLIS, May 9, 2019 – CreateAbility, Inc., a technology company located in Indianapolis, has entered development phase on a project with the USDA SBIR Program to create assistive technology that aids in the at-home recovery process for patients that have underwent hip and knee replacements. The need for this assistive technology is bore from years...
A study by Eleftheria Vaportzis, Maria Giatsi Clausen, and Alan J. Gow looked at the perception of elderly adults and their perception of technology. Surprisingly, they found that in many cases, the elderly were very happy and willing to adopt new technology, devices, and programs. Post-introduction of the technology, however, a lack of support, information, and assistance hindered them from adopting the technology and incorporating it more fully into their...
Caregiver’s Perspective Being a caregiver is a high-demand role, period. While most develop their daily to-do lists, carefully checking off items as they accomplish them; caregivers of consumers with intellectual disabilities, TBI’s, and dementia typically experience a higher degree of variation from day-to-day in correlation to the mental state, physical health, and mood of the...
The Importance of Mental and Physical Health in Senior Citizens By Jason Lewis Getting older can be beautiful and scary at the same time. As we age, we become more susceptible to mental and physical illnesses. As a senior, the importance of mental and physical health should not be lost on you. In fact, keeping...
HomePortal brings the incredible power of a voice-controlled home to people who are blind, or people whose visual impairment interferes with typical daily activities needed to live independently. HomePortal couples CreateAbility’s “Sparkplug” skill with Z-wave modules to detect and control items in the home. Many commands and requests are possible, but here are a few...
(See the article in US News and World Report, October 28, 2018). Dawn Neumann, PhD, of Indiana University School of Medicine, and the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana, has been refining the Emotional Compass for the past four years, as part of her research in helping survivors of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Why an Emotional Compass?...
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